I graduated from UC Irvine with a major in electrical engineering. I have always been passionate and excited about all kinds of technology, and would not miss any opportunities to get out of my comfort zone and learn about them as much as I can. Keep scrolling to check out the various projects I have worked on!
I have deployed both on-prem & cloud applications using the proper CI/CD practices, and developed Android/iOS mobile apps and websites both personally and for work.
I truly believe that AI, cloud, and big data can open up new opportunities for the world and help advance it. I completed a couple of ML projects and have hands-on experience with big data processing and analysis on AWS.
Curious by nature, I was part of various multidisciplinary research labs throughout my college years. I also spend my personal time learning about applications of quantum computing in healthcare and finance.
As a software development intern at Experian, I had the opportunity to learn a lot about the Agile methodology, as well as ETL processes both in on-prem and AWS. The projects I did in the past included building an automated service that extracts data from the IBM DB2 database and transfer it to AWS S3 via AWS Storage Gateway, and working with different AWS resources to ensure that data was sent properly. Additionally, I deployed 2 projects to production through Jenkins and finished developing a data quality platform used across different teams for data validation data quality measurement. I am currently building data pipeline to automate end-to-end data ingestion using Spark and Apache Airflow.
I joined Advanced Integrated Cyber-Physical Systems Lab's Autonomous Racecar project at UC Irvine as my senior design project this summer. As a student researcher under the project, I mainly used ROS as the interface to interact with the autonomous vehicle, such as launching and testing software on the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 module installed on the vehicle. Also, I implemented Google Cartographer using data collected from the IMU and LIDAR to map the vehicle's environment, and worked on pathfinding and obstacle avoidance algorithms using Python and C++.
I interned at NetObjex, Inc. as an IoT engineer since this summer working on a product called "PiQube". I utilized Yocto Project to set up basic layers and recipes for NetObjex's embedded Linux distribution on a Raspberry Pi, and developed Python scripts to perform health check on the Raspberry Pi through the usage of classes, threads, and MQTT library. I designed and implemented the software architecture for "PiQube" for different communication protocols' client-server communication on IoT-enabled devices.
I was an undergraduate data analyst and Multidisciplinary Design Program (MDP) Fellow at Microbiomechanics Laboratory. As an undergraduate data analyst, I was tasked to perform statistical analysis, such as linear regression, on the neuronal data collected from Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEAs) to provide insightful knowledge about the behaviors of neuronal activities with Python. Also, as a MDP Fellow, I conducted research on various approaches of utilizing oxygen sensors and oxygen sensor probes to monitor PO2 level and oxygen concentration in microfluidic bioreactor.
I worked as an undergraduate software developer at Calit2, where I developed iOS mobile applications for health-related projects with Swift and performed data analysis on the energy consumption of electronics using Python. I parsed and analyzed data regarding the power and energy consumption of electronics, such as TVs and projectors, obtained from smart plugs deployed at multiple locations in UC Irvine to have a better understanding of how users interact with their electronics at different times of the day, week, and month.
Since 2016, I had been working as an undergraduate researcher and project lead at CalPlug where I was exposed to various multidisciplinary projects. As an undergraduate researcher, I built Android mobile applications using both Java and React Native and web applications with Javascript, as well as experiment with different classification/clustering algorithms to sort the power consumption data collected using Python. Also, as a project lead, I managed a medical device project from prototype building to client delivery and supervised demo tours at CalPlug in the summer. Two examples of the projects I did can be found at the Projects Section below!